ScrollQuest 2.0
A 3D dungeon crawling, hack-n-slash adventure game to test and study emotional resilience
Building on the original pilot game developed by Josh Whitkin Design and the GEMH Lab, which successfully created engaging rejection episodes, the pilot study inspired new ideas that led to the origination of this project.
In ScrollQuest2.0, players group up and engage missions and scenarios that expose them to rejection situations that safely evoke strong negative feelings. Followed by opportunities to reflect and reappraise, these events repeatedly challenge players to be resilient while researchers can study and analyze in-game coping responses as players learn from their experiences.
In this project, I served as both Game Designer and Artist, responsible for creating a video game that targeted rejection sensitivity in adolescents by integrating treatment techniques such as exposure, cognitive reappraisal, and modeling. The goal was to provide an engaging and impactful alternative to the widely-used Cyberball task, which traditionally assesses rejection sensitivity. By designing a game that uniquely captures rejection experiences, I aimed to support a larger emotional resilience assessment study at Radboud University.
©2019 Radboud University | GEMH Lab